Saturday, November 24, 2018

Classmate Blog Critique

 Colby Clinton

typing up a blog

I've read through the blogs written by my classmates. I try not to be too critical when reading them because, unlike me, they are all probably full-time students (with more limited time than I have), and they've only been writing a short while. I was not a very good writer back when I was their age, so I try to judge from that perspective. I'm only taking a few classes, and I've had 30 extra years to hone my writing and typing skills.

Colby's blog screencap

There's one student that I think writes really well in his blog: Colby Clinton. I didn't see many errors at all in his writing. Perhaps he's just better at using Grammarly or spellcheck than the other students.  However, it's not just his fine use of spelling, punctuation and grammar that I like. He has a very concise method of writing that suits him well, especially for the news stories we write for this class. I tend to write too much most of the time, so I admire anyone that can write in an informative way without too much verbiage. It's especially impressive considering he's a Sophomore.

Trying to read the blog

The only thing I don't like about Colby's blog is his choice of blog theme. I'm not too keen on the white-letters-on-dark-background design. It's hard for me to read. However, most of the students seem to choose that style of Blogger theme, so he's hardly alone in this regard. His layout is very good, though, and makes it easier to read.

photos on Colby's Facebook page

He chose a wide variety of topics about which to write, from movies, to sports, to politics. I found his choices to be interesting and well-researched. Good job!

blog cartoon

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